About Danie

Hi there! I’m Danie Roberts (also referred to as raniedoberts), and welcome to my website! I’m 27 years old and I was born and raised in a small town outside of Concord, New Hampshire. When I was in high school, I developed a love for music, concerts, and the city of Boston. So I ventured out of my comfort zone and attended Lasell University in the suburbs. I graduated with (wait for it…) a Bachelor’s degree in Communication, a double concentration in Public Relations and Journalism and Media Writing, and a minor in Law and Business.
After college, I moved back home and worked a few different jobs before landing a gig in state government. I’ve been there for three years now, where I use a mixture of my skills to help local communities. I also just completed my Master’s degree in Information with a concentration in Library and Information Science from Rutgers University. I love books and decided to enroll in the program during the pandemic, and I can’t wait to put my degree to use!
There are lots of things that I love, so I’ll condense it into just a short list (another thing I love!):
- Books
- Music (as mentioned above)
- Concerts (also mentioned above… oops)
- My friends and family
- Writing
- Iced Chai
- Lake Winnipesaukee
- True crime podcasts
- All things pumpkin
If you’re interested in chatting with me or want to work together, you can contact me at the following:
Email: raniedoberts@gmail.com
All social media handles: @raniedoberts